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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.450
* Does the publisher list an address and phone number or fax
* What is the ISBN number of the book?
* What is the library call number of the book?
* How much does the book cost?
* Does it cover PostScript 2?
* Are coding examples from the book available by email or anonymous
* Do the authors sell the coding examples on a diskette?
Subject: 10.9 Questions that need answers
1. Where are ftp sites that have PostScript freeware?
2. What vendors sell fonts for PostScript printers? Where are the
free ftp sites for them?
3. Are there any free encapsulated PostScript converters?
4. What is the charter for comp.lang.postscript?
5. How do I make a downloaded font (ie: PFA) persistent?
6. What questions should the FAQ have?
7. What book information is wrong or missing in the FAQ?
8. What program information is wrong or missing in the FAQ?
9. What ftp site have good examples of PostScript code?
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.puzzles:18136 news.answers:3068
Newsgroups: rec.puzzles,news.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!usc!wupost!uunet!questrel!chris
From: uunet!questrel!chris (Chris Cole)
Subject: rec.puzzles FAQ, part 1 of 15
Message-ID: <puzzles-faq-1_717034101@questrel.com>
Followup-To: rec.puzzles
Summary: This posting contains a list of
Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers).
It should be read by anyone who wishes to
post to the rec.puzzles newsgroup.
Sender: chris@questrel.com (Chris Cole)
Reply-To: uunet!questrel!faql-comment
Organization: Questrel, Inc.
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1992 00:08:26 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Sat, 3 Apr 1993 00:08:21 GMT
Lines: 1557
Archive-name: puzzles-faq/part01
Last-modified: 1992/09/20
Version: 3
Instructions for Accessing rec.puzzles Frequently Asked Questions List
Below is a list of puzzles, categorized by subject area. Each puzzle
includes a solution, compiled from various sources, which is supposed
to be definitive.
To request a puzzle, send a letter to uunet!questrel!faql-request
containing one or more lines of the form:
send <puzzle_name>
For example, to request decision/allais.p, send the line:
send decision/allais.p
or just:
send allais
The puzzle will be mailed via return email to the address in your
request's "From:" line. If you are unsure of this address, and cannot
edit this line, then include in your message BEFORE the first "send" line
the line:
return_address <your_return_email_address>
The FAQL has been posted to news.answers. News.answers is archived in
the periodic posting archive on pit-manager.mit.edu [].
Postings are located in the anonymous ftp directory
/pub/usenet/news.answers, and are archived by "Archive-name". Other
subdirectories of /pub/usenet contain periodic postings that may not
appear in news.answers.
Other news.answers/FAQ archives (which carry some or all of the FAQs
in the pit-manager archive) are:
archive.cs.ruu.nl [] in the anonymous ftp
directory /pub/NEWS.ANSWERS (also accessible via mail
server requests to mail-server@cs.ruu.nl)
cnam.cnam.fr [] in the anonymous ftp directory /pub/FAQ
ftp.uu.net [ or] in the anonymous ftp
directory /usenet
ftp.win.tue.nl [] in the anonymous ftp directory
grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr [] in the anonymous ftp
directory /pub/faq (also accessible via mail server
requests to listserv@grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr), which is
best used by EASInet sites and sites in France that do
not have better connectivity to cnam.cnam.fr (e.g.
Lyon, Grenoble)
Note that the periodic posting archives on pit-manager.mit.edu are
also accessible via Prospero and WAIS (the database name is "usenet"
on port 210).
The FAQL is NOT the original work of the editor (just in case you were
wondering :^).
In keeping with the general net practice on FAQL's, I do not as a rule assign
credit for FAQL solutions. There are many reasons for this:
1. The FAQL is about the answers to the questions, not about assigning credit.
2. Many people, in providing free answers to the net, do not have the time
to cite their sources.
3. I cut and paste freely from several people's solutions in most
cases to come up with as complete an answer as possible.
4. I use sources other than postings.
5. I am neither qualified nor motivated to assign credit.
However, I do whenever possible put bibliographies in FAQL entries, and
I see the inclusion of the net addresses of interested parties as a
logical extension of this practice. In particular, if you wrote a
program to solve a problem and posted the source code of the program,
you are presumed to be interested in corresponding with others about
the problem. So, please let me know the entries you would like to be
listed in and I will be happy to oblige.
Address corrections or comments to uunet!questrel!faql-comment.
==> analysis/bugs.p <==
Four bugs are placed at the corners of a square. Each bug walks directly
toward the next bug in the clockwise direction. The bugs walk with
constant speed always directly toward their clockwise neighbor. Assuming
the bugs make at least one full circuit around the center of the square
==> analysis/c.infinity.p <==
What function is zero at zero, strictly positive elsewhere, infinitely
differentiable at zero and has all zero derivitives at zero?
==> analysis/cache.p <==
Cache and Ferry (How far can a truck go in a desert?)
A pick-up truck is in the desert beside N 50-gallon gas drums, all full.
The truck's gas tank holds 10 gallons and is empty. The truck can carry
one drum, whether full or empty, in its bed. It gets 10 miles to the gallon.
==> analysis/cats.and.rats.p <==
If 6 cats can kill 6 rats in 6 minutes, how many cats does it take to
kill one rat in one minute?
==> analysis/e.and.pi.p <==
Which is greater, e^(pi) or (pi)^e ?
==> analysis/functional/distributed.p <==
Find all f: R -> R, f not identically zero, such that
(*) f( (x+y)/(x-y) ) = ( f(x)+f(y) )/( f(x)-f(y) ).
==> analysis/functional/linear.p <==
Suppose f is non-decreasing with
f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y) + C for all real x, y.
Prove: there is a constant A such that f(x) = Ax - C for all x.
(Note: continuity of f is not assumed in advance.)
==> analysis/integral.p <==
If f is integrable on (0,inf), and differentiable at 0, and a > 0, show:
inf ( f(x) - f(ax) )
==> analysis/period.p <==
What is the least possible integral period of the sum of functions
of periods 3 and 6?
==> analysis/rubberband.p <==
A bug walks down a rubberband which is attached to a wall at one end and a car
moving away from the wall at the other end. The car is moving at 1 m/sec while
the bug is only moving at 1 cm/sec. Assuming the rubberband is uniformly and
infinitely elastic, will the bug ever reach the car?
==> analysis/series.p <==
Show that in the series: x, 2x, 3x, .... (n-1)x (x can be any real number)
there is at least one number which is within 1/n of an integer.
==> analysis/snow.p <==
Snow starts falling before noon on a cold December day.
At noon a snowplow starts plowing a street.
It travels 1 mile in the first hour, and 1/2 mile in the second hour.
What time did the snow start falling??
==> analysis/tower.p <==
A number is raised to its own power. The same number is then raised to
the power of this result. The same number is then raised to the power
of this second result. This process is continued forever. What is the
maximum number which will yield a finite result from this process?
==> arithmetic/7-11.p <==
A customer at a 7-11 store selected four items to buy, and was told
that the cost was $7.11. He was curious that the cost was the same
as the store name, so he inquired as to how the figure was derived.
The clerk said that he had simply multiplied the prices of the four
==> arithmetic/clock/day.of.week.p <==
It's restful sitting in Tom's cosy den, talking quietly and sipping
a glass of his Madeira.
I was there one Sunday and we had the usual business of his clock.
==> arithmetic/clock/thirds.p <==
Do the 3 hands on a clock ever divide the face of the clock into 3
equal segments, i.e. 120 degrees between each hand?
==> arithmetic/consecutive.product.p <==
Prove that the product of three or more consecutive natural numbers cannot be a
perfect square.
==> arithmetic/consecutive.sums.p <==
Find all series of consecutive positive integers whose sum is exactly 10,000.
==> arithmetic/digits/all.ones.p <==
Prove that some multiple of any integer ending in 3 contains all 1s.
==> arithmetic/digits/arabian.p <==
What is the Arabian Nights factorial, the number x such that x! has 1001
digits? How about the prime x such that x! has exactly 1001 zeroes on
the tail end. (Bonus question, what is the 'rightmost' non-zero digit in x!?)
==> arithmetic/digits/circular.p <==
What 6 digit number, with 6 different digits, when multiplied by all integers
up to 6, circulates its digits through all 6 possible positions, as follows:
==> arithmetic/digits/divisible.p <==
Find the least number using 0-9 exactly once that is evenly divisible by each
of these digits?
==> arithmetic/digits/equations/123456789.p <==
In how many ways can "." be replaced with "+", "-", or "" (concatenate) in
. to form a correct equation?
==> arithmetic/digits/equations/1992.p <==
1 = -1+9-9+2. Extend this list to 2 - 100 on the left side of the equals sign.
==> arithmetic/digits/equations/383.p <==
Make 383 out of 1,2,25,50,75,100 using +,-,*,/.
==> arithmetic/digits/extreme.products.p <==
What are the extremal products of three three-digit numbers using digits 1-9?
==> arithmetic/digits/googol.p <==
What digits does googol! start with?
==> arithmetic/digits/labels.p <==
You have an arbitrary number of model kits (which you assemble for
fun and profit). Each kit comes with twenty (20) stickers, two of which
are labeled "0", two are labeled "1", ..., two are labeled "9".
You decide to stick a serial number on each model you assemble starting
==> arithmetic/digits/nine.digits.p <==
Form a number using 0-9 once with its first n digits divisible by n.
==> arithmetic/digits/palindrome.p <==
Does the series formed by adding a number to its reversal always end in
a palindrome?
==> arithmetic/digits/palintiples.p <==
Find all numbers that are multiples of their reversals.
==> arithmetic/digits/power.two.p <==
Prove that for any 9-digit number (base 10) there is an integral power
of 2 whose first 9 digits are that number.
==> arithmetic/digits/prime/101.p <==
How many primes are in the sequence 101, 10101, 1010101, ...?
==> arithmetic/digits/prime/all.prefix.p <==
What is the longest prime whose every proper prefix is a prime?
==> arithmetic/digits/prime/change.one.p <==
What is the smallest number that cannot be made prime by changing a single
digit? Are there infinitely many such numbers?
==> arithmetic/digits/prime/prefix.one.p <==
2 is prime, but 12, 22, ..., 92 are not. Similarly, 5 is prime
whereas 15, 25, ..., 95 are not. What is the next prime number
which is composite when any digit is prefixed?
==> arithmetic/digits/reverse.p <==
Is there an integer that has its digits reversed after dividing it by 2?
==> arithmetic/digits/rotate.p <==
Find integers where multiplying them by single digits rotates their digits.
==> arithmetic/digits/sesqui.p <==
Find the least number where moving the first digit to the end multiplies by 1.5.
==> arithmetic/digits/squares/leading.7.to.8.p <==
What is the smallest square with leading digit 7 which remains a square
when leading 7 is replaced by an 8?
==> arithmetic/digits/squares/length.22.p <==
Is it possible to form two numbers A and B from 22 digits such that
A = B^2? Of course, leading digits must be non-zero.
==> arithmetic/digits/squares/length.9.p <==
Is it possible to make a number and its square, using the digits from 1 through
9 exactly once?
==> arithmetic/digits/squares/three.digits.p <==
What squares consist entirely of three digits (e.g., 1, 4, and 9)?
==> arithmetic/digits/squares/twin.p <==
Let a twin be a number formed by writing the same number twice,
for instance, 81708170 or 132132. What is the smallest square twin?
==> arithmetic/digits/sum.of.digits.p <==
Find sod ( sod ( sod (4444 ^ 4444 ) ) ).
==> arithmetic/digits/zeros/factorial.p <==
How many zeros are in the decimal expansion of n!?
==> arithmetic/digits/zeros/lsd.factorial.p <==
What is the least significant non-zero digit in the decimal expansion of n!?
==> arithmetic/digits/zeros/million.p <==
How many zeros occur in the numbers from 1 to 1,000,000?
==> arithmetic/magic.squares.p <==
Are there large squares, containing only consecutive integers, all of whose
rows, columns and diagonals have the same sum? How about cubes?
==> arithmetic/pell.p <==
Find integer solutions to x^2 - 92y^2 = 1.
==> arithmetic/prime/arithmetic.progression.p <==
Is there an arithmetic progression of 20 or more primes?
==> arithmetic/prime/consecutive.composites.p <==
Are there 10,000 consecutive non-prime numbers?
==> arithmetic/sequence.p <==
Prove that all sets of n integers contain a subset whose sum is divisible by n.
==> arithmetic/sum.of.cubes.p <==
Find two fractions whose cubes total 6.
==> arithmetic/tests.for.divisibility/eleven.p <==
What is the test to see if a number is divisible by eleven?
==> arithmetic/tests.for.divisibility/nine.p <==
What is the test to see if a number is divisible by nine?
==> arithmetic/tests.for.divisibility/seven.p <==
What is the test to see if a number is divisible by 7?
==> arithmetic/tests.for.divisibility/three.p <==
Prove that if a number is divisible by 3, the sum of its digits is likewise.
==> combinatorics/coinage/combinations.p <==
How many ways are there to make change for a dollar? Count
combinations of coins, not permuations.
==> combinatorics/coinage/dimes.p <==
"Dad wants one-cent, two-cent, three-cent, five-cent, and ten-cent
stamps. He said to get four each of two sorts and three each of the
others, but I've forgotten which. He gave me exactly enough to buy
them; just these dimes." How many stamps of each type does Dad want?
==> combinatorics/coinage/impossible.p <==
What is the smallest number of coins that you can't make a dollar with?
I.e., for what N does there not exist a set of N coins adding up to a dollar?
It is possible to make a dollar with 1 current U.S. coin (a Susan B. Anthony),
2 coins (2 fifty cent pieces), 3 coins (2 quarters and a fifty cent piece),
==> combinatorics/color.p <==
An urn contains n balls of different colors. Randomly select a pair, repaint
the first to match the second, and replace the pair in the urn. What is the
expected time until the balls are all the same color?
==> combinatorics/full.p <==
Consider a string that contains all substrings of length n. For example,
for binary strings with n=2, a shortest string is 00110 -- it contains 00,
01, 10 and 11 as substrings. Find the shortest such strings for all n.
==> combinatorics/gossip.p <==
n people each know a different piece of gossip. They can telephone each other
and exchange all the information they know (so that after the call they both
know anything that either of them knew before the call). What is the smallest
number of calls needed so that everyone knows everything?
==> combinatorics/grid.dissection.p <==
How many (possibly overlapping) squares are in an mxn grid?
==> combinatorics/subsets.p <==
Out of the set of integers 1,...,100 you are given ten different
integers. From this set, A, of ten integers you can always find two
disjoint subsets, S & T, such that the sum of elements in S equals the
sum of elements in T. Note: S union T need not be all ten elements of
==> cryptology/Beale.p <==
What are the Beale ciphers?
==> cryptology/Feynman.p <==
What are the Feynman ciphers?
==> cryptology/Voynich.p <==
What are the Voynich ciphers?
==> cryptology/swiss.colony.p <==
What are the 1987 Swiss Colony ciphers?
==> decision/allais.p <==
The Allais Paradox involves the choice between two alternatives:
A. 89% chance of an unknown amount
10% chance of $1 million
==> decision/division.p <==
N-Person Fair Division
If two people want to divide a pie but do not trust each other, they can
still ensure that each gets a fair share by using the technique that one
==> decision/dowry.p <==
Sultan's Dowry
A sultan has granted a commoner a chance to marry one of his hundred
daughters. The commoner will be presented the daughters one at a time.
==> decision/envelope.p <==
Someone has prepared two envelopes containing money. One contains twice as
much money as the other. You have decided to pick one envelope, but then the
following argument occurs to you: Suppose my chosen envelope contains $X,
then the other envelope either contains $X/2 or $2X. Both cases are
==> decision/exchange.p <==
At one time, the Mexican and American dollars were devalued by 10 cents on each
side of the border (i.e. a Mexican dollar was 90 cents in the US, and a US
dollar was worth 90 cents in Mexico). A man walks into a bar on the American
side of the border, orders 10 cents worth of beer, and tenders a Mexican dollar
==> decision/newcomb.p <==
Newcomb's Problem
A being put one thousand dollars in box A and either zero or one million
dollars in box B and presents you with two choices:
==> decision/prisoners.p <==
Three prisoners on death row are told that one of them has been chosen
at random for execution the next day, but the other two are to be
freed. One privately begs the warden to at least tell him the name of
one other prisoner who will be freed. The warden relents: 'Susie will
==> decision/red.p <==
I show you a shuffled deck of standard playing cards, one card at a
time. At any point before I run out of cards, you must say "RED!".
If the next card I show is red (i.e. diamonds or hearts), you win. We
assume I the "dealer" don't have any control over what the order of
==> decision/rotating.table.p <==
Four glasses are placed upside down in the four corners of a square
rotating table. You wish to turn them all in the same direction,
either all up or all down. You may do so by grasping any two glasses
and, optionally, turning either over. There are two catches: you are
==> decision/stpetersburg.p <==
What should you be willing to pay to play a game in which the payoff is
calculated as follows: a coin is flipped until in comes up heads on the
nth toss and the payoff is set at 2^n dollars?
==> decision/switch.p <==
Switch? (The Monty Hall Problem)
Two black marbles and a red marble are in a bag. You choose one marble from the
bag without looking at it. Another person chooses a marble from the bag and it
==> decision/truel.p <==
A, B, and C are to fight a three-cornered pistol duel. All know that
A's chance of hitting his target is 0.3, C's is 0.5, and B never misses.
They are to fire at their choice of target in succession in the order
A, B, C, cyclically (but a hit man loses further turns and is no longer
==> english/acronym.p <==
What acronyms have become common words?
==> english/ambiguous.p <==
What word in the English language is the most ambiguous?
What is the greatest number of parts of speech that a single word
can be used for?
==> english/antonym.p <==
What words, when a single letter is added, reverse their meanings?
Exclude words that are obtained by adding an "a-" to the beginning.
==> english/behead.p <==
Is there a sentence that remains a sentence when all its words are beheaded?
==> english/capital.p <==
What words change pronunciation when capitalized (e.g., polish -> Polish)?
==> english/charades.p <==
A ....... surgeon was ....... to operate because he had .......
==> english/contradictory.proverbs.p <==
What are some proverbs that contradict one another?
==> english/contranym.p <==
What words are their own antonym?
==> english/element.p <==
The name of what element ends in "h"?
==> english/equations.p <==
Each equation below contains the initials of words that will make the phrase
correct. Figure out the missing words. Lower case is used only to help the
initials stand out better.
==> english/fossil.p <==
What are some examples of idioms that include obsolete words?
==> english/frequency.p <==
In the English language, what are the most frequently appearing:
1) letters overall?
2) letters BEGINNING words?
3) final letters?
==> english/gry.p <==
Find three completely different words ending in "gry."
==> english/homographs.p <==
List all homographs (words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently)
==> english/homophones.p <==
What words have four or more spellings that sound alike?
==> english/j.ending.p <==
What words and names end in j?
==> english/ladder.p <==
Find the shortest word ladders stretching between the following pairs:
hit - ace
pig - sty
four - five
==> english/less.ness.p <==
Find a word that forms two other words, unrelated in meaning, when "less"
and "ness" are added.
==> english/letter.rebus.p <==
Define the letters of the alphabet using self-referential common phrases (e.g.,
"first of all" defines "a").
==> english/lipograms.p <==
What books have been written without specific letters, vowels, etc.?
==> english/multi.lingual.p <==
What words in multiple languages are related in interesting ways?
==> english/near.palindrome.p <==
What are some long near palindromes, i.e., words that except for one
letter would be palindromes?
==> english/palindromes.p <==
What are some long palindromes?
==> english/pangram.p <==
A "pangram" is a sentence containing all 26 letters.
What is the shortest pangram (measured by number of letters or words)?
What is the shortest word list using all 26 letters in alphabetical order?
In reverse alphabetical order?
==> english/phonetic.letters.p <==
What does "FUNEX" mean?
==> english/piglatin.p <==
What words in pig latin also are words?
==> english/pleonasm.p <==
What are some redundant terms that occur frequently (like "ABM missile")?
==> english/plurals/collision.p <==
Two words, spelled and pronounced differently, have plurals spelled
the same but pronounced differently.
==> english/plurals/doubtful.number.p <==
A little word of doubtful number,
a foe to rest and peaceful slumber.
If you add an "s" to this,
great is the metamorphosis.
==> english/plurals/drop.s.p <==
What plural is formed by DROPPING the terminal "s" in a word?
==> english/plurals/endings.p <==
List a plural ending with each letter of the alphabet.
==> english/plurals/french.p <==
What English word, when spelled backwards, is its French plural?
==> english/plurals/man.p <==
Words ending with "man" make their plurals by adding "s".
==> english/plurals/switch.first.p <==
What plural is formed by switching the first two letters?
==> english/portmanteau.p <==
What are some words formed by combining together parts of other words?
==> english/potable.color.p <==
Find words that are both beverages and colors.
==> english/rare.trigraphs.p <==
What trigraphs (three-letter combinations) occur in only one word?
==> english/records/pronunciation/silent.p <==
What words have an exceptional number of silent letters?
==> english/records/pronunciation/spelling.p <==
What words have exceptional ways to spell sounds?
==> english/records/pronunciation/syllable.p <==
What words have an exceptional number of letters per syllable?
==> english/records/spelling/longest.p <==
What is the longest word in the English language?
==> english/records/spelling/most.p <==
What word has the most variant spellings?
==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/deletion.p <==
What exceptional words turn into other words by deletion of letters?
==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/insertion.and.deletion.p <==
What exceptional words turn into other words by both insertion and
deletion of letters?
==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/insertion.p <==
What exceptional words turn into other words by insertion of letters?
==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/movement.p <==
What exceptional words turn into other words by movement of letters?
==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/substitution.p <==
What exceptional words turn into other words by substitution of letters?
==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/transposition.p <==
What exceptional words turn into other words by transposition of letters?
==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/words.within.words.p <==
What exceptional words contain other words?
==> english/records/spelling/sets.of.words/nots.and.crosses.p <==
What is the most number of letters that can be fit into a three by three grid
of words, such that no letter is repeated in any row, column or diagonal?
==> english/records/spelling/sets.of.words/squares.p <==
What are some exceptional word squares (square crosswords with no blanks)?
==> english/records/spelling/single.words.p <==
What words have exceptional lengths, patterns, etc.?
==> english/repeat.p <==
What is a sentence containing the most repeated words, without:
using quotation marks,
using proper names,
using a language other than English,
==> english/repeated.words.p <==
What is a sentence with the same word several times repeated?
==> english/rhyme.p <==
What English words are hard to rhyme?
"Rhyme is the identity in sound of an accented vowel in a word...and
of all consonantal and vowel sounds following it; with a difference in
==> english/self.ref.letters.p <==
Construct a true sentence of the form: "This sentence contains _ a's, _ b's,
_ c's, ...," where the numbers filling in the blanks are spelled out.
==> english/self.ref.numbers.p <==
What true sentence has the form: "There are _ 0's, _ 1's, _ 2's, ...,
in this sentence"?
==> english/self.ref.words.p <==
What sentence describes its own word, syllable and letter count?
==> english/sentence.p <==
Find a sentence with words beginning with the letters of the alphabet, in order.
==> english/snowball.p <==
Construct the longest coherent sentence you can such that the nth
word is n letters long.
==> english/spoonerisms.p <==
List some exceptional spoonerisms.
==> english/states.p <==
What long words have all bigrams either a postal state code or its reverse?
==> english/telegrams.p <==
Since telegrams cost by the word, phonetically similar messages can be cheaper.
See if you can decipher these extreme cases:
==> english/trivial.p <==
Consider the free non-abelian group on the twenty-six letters of the
alphabet with all relations of the form <word1> = <word2>, where <word1>
and <word2> are homophones (i.e. they sound alike but are spelled
differently). Show that every letter is trivial.
==> english/weird.p <==
Make a sentence containing only words that violate the "i before e" rule.
==> english/word.boundaries.p <==
List some sentences that can be radically altered by changing word boundaries
and punctuation.
==> english/word.torture.p <==
What is the longest word all of whose contiguous subsequences are words?
==> games/chess/knight.control.p <==
How many knights does it take to attack or control the board?
==> games/chess/mutual.check.p <==
What position is a stalemate for both sides and is reachable in a legal game
(including the requirement to prevent check)?
==> games/chess/mutual.stalemate.p <==
What's the minimal number of pieces in a legal mutual stalemate?
==> games/chess/queens.p <==
How many ways can eight queens be placed so that they control the board?
==> games/chess/size.of.game.tree.p <==
How many different positions are there in the game tree of chess?
==> games/cigarettes.p <==
The game of cigarettes is played as follows:
Two players take turns placing a cigarette on a circular table. The cigarettes
can be placed upright (on end) or lying flat, but not so that it touches any
other cigarette on the table. This continues until one person looses by not